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- /* Copyright (C) 1991, 1992, 1993 Aladdin Enterprises. All rights reserved.
- This file is part of Ghostscript.
- Ghostscript is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, but
- WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY. No author or distributor accepts responsibility
- to anyone for the consequences of using it or for whether it serves any
- particular purpose or works at all, unless he says so in writing. Refer
- to the Ghostscript General Public License for full details.
- Everyone is granted permission to copy, modify and redistribute
- Ghostscript, but only under the conditions described in the Ghostscript
- General Public License. A copy of this license is supposed to have been
- given to you along with Ghostscript so you can know your rights and
- responsibilities. It should be in a file named COPYING. Among other
- things, the copyright notice and this notice must be preserved on all
- copies. */
- /* gxclist.c */
- /* Command list writing for Ghostscript. */
- #include "memory_.h"
- #include "gx.h"
- #include "gpcheck.h"
- #include "gserrors.h"
- #include "gxdevice.h"
- #include "gxdevmem.h" /* must precede gxclist.h */
- #include "gxcldev.h"
- /* Forward declarations of procedures */
- private dev_proc_open_device(clist_open);
- private dev_proc_get_initial_matrix(clist_get_initial_matrix);
- private dev_proc_output_page(clist_output_page);
- private dev_proc_map_rgb_color(clist_map_rgb_color);
- private dev_proc_map_color_rgb(clist_map_color_rgb);
- private dev_proc_fill_rectangle(clist_fill_rectangle);
- private dev_proc_tile_rectangle(clist_tile_rectangle);
- private dev_proc_copy_mono(clist_copy_mono);
- private dev_proc_copy_color(clist_copy_color);
- extern dev_proc_get_bits(clist_get_bits); /* in gxclread.c */
- private dev_proc_get_props(clist_get_props);
- private dev_proc_put_props(clist_put_props);
- private dev_proc_map_cmyk_color(clist_map_cmyk_color);
- private dev_proc_get_xfont_procs(clist_get_xfont_procs);
- private dev_proc_get_xfont_device(clist_get_xfont_device);
- /* The device descriptor */
- /* The device template itself is never used, only the procs. */
- gx_device_procs gs_clist_device_procs =
- { clist_open,
- clist_get_initial_matrix,
- gx_default_sync_output,
- clist_output_page,
- gx_default_close_device,
- clist_map_rgb_color,
- clist_map_color_rgb,
- clist_fill_rectangle,
- clist_tile_rectangle,
- clist_copy_mono,
- clist_copy_color,
- gx_default_draw_line,
- clist_get_bits,
- clist_get_props,
- clist_put_props,
- clist_map_cmyk_color,
- clist_get_xfont_procs,
- clist_get_xfont_device
- };
- /* ------ Define the command set and syntax ------ */
- #ifdef DEBUG
- const char *cmd_op_names[16] = { cmd_op_name_strings };
- const char *cmd_misc_op_names[16] = { cmd_misc_op_name_strings };
- private ulong cmd_op_counts[256];
- private ulong cmd_tile_count, cmd_copy_count, cmd_delta_tile_count;
- private ulong cmd_tile_reset, cmd_tile_found, cmd_tile_added;
- private int
- count_op(int op)
- { ++cmd_op_counts[op];
- if_debug2('L', ", %s %d\n", cmd_op_names[op >> 4], op & 0xf);
- fflush(dstderr);
- return op;
- }
- # define count_add(v, n) (v += (n))
- #else
- # define count_op(store_op) store_op
- # define count_add(v, n) 0
- #endif
- #define count_add1(v) count_add(v, 1)
- /* Initialize the device state */
- private void clist_init_tiles(P1(gx_device_clist *));
- private int
- clist_open(gx_device *dev)
- { /*
- * The buffer area (data, data_size) holds a tile cache and a
- * set of block range bit masks when both writing and reading.
- * The rest of the space is used for
- * the command buffer and band state bookkeeping when writing,
- * and for the rendering buffer (image device) when reading.
- * For the moment, we divide the space up arbitrarily.
- *
- * This routine requires only data, data_size, target, and mdev
- * to have been set in the device structure, and is idempotent,
- * so it can be used to check whether a given-size buffer
- * is large enough.
- */
- byte *data = cdev->data;
- uint size = cdev->data_size;
- #define alloc_data(n) data += (n), size -= (n)
- gx_device *target = cdev->target;
- uint raster, nbands, band;
- gx_clist_state *states;
- ulong state_size;
- cdev->ymin = cdev->ymax = -1; /* render_init not done yet */
- cdev->tile_data = data;
- cdev->tile_data_size = (size / 5) & -4; /* arbitrary! */
- alloc_data(cdev->tile_data_size);
- raster = gx_device_raster(target, 1) + sizeof(byte *);
- cdev->band_height = size / raster;
- if ( cdev->band_height == 0 ) /* can't even fit one scan line */
- return_error(gs_error_limitcheck);
- nbands = target->height / cdev->band_height + 1;
- cdev->nbands = nbands;
- if_debug4('l', "[l]width=%d, raster=%d, band_height=%d, nbands=%d\n",
- target->width, raster, cdev->band_height, cdev->nbands);
- state_size = nbands * (ulong)sizeof(gx_clist_state);
- if ( state_size + sizeof(cmd_prefix) + cmd_largest_size + raster + 4 > size ) /* not enough room */
- return_error(gs_error_limitcheck);
- cdev->mdev.base = data;
- cdev->states = states = (gx_clist_state *)data;
- alloc_data((uint)state_size);
- cdev->cbuf = data;
- cdev->cnext = data;
- cdev->cend = data + size;
- cdev->ccls = 0;
- for ( band = 0; band < nbands; band++, states++ )
- *states = cls_initial;
- #undef alloc_data
- cdev->tile_band_mask_size = (nbands + 31) / 32 * 4;
- cdev->tile_max_size = cdev->tile_data_size -
- (sizeof(tile_hash) * 2 + sizeof(tile_slot) +
- cdev->tile_band_mask_size);
- clist_init_tiles(cdev);
- return 0;
- }
- /* (Re)initialize the tile cache. */
- private void
- clist_init_tiles(register gx_device_clist *cldev)
- { gx_clist_state *pcls;
- int i, hc;
- cldev->tile_slot_size =
- sizeof(tile_slot) + cldev->tile_band_mask_size +
- cldev->tile.raster * cldev->tile.size.y;
- cldev->tile_max_count = cldev->tile_data_size /
- (sizeof(tile_hash) * 3 /*(worst case)*/ + cldev->tile_slot_size);
- hc = (cldev->tile_max_count - 1) * 2;
- while ( (hc + 1) & hc ) hc |= hc >> 1; /* make mask */
- if ( hc >= cldev->tile_max_count * 3 ) hc >>= 1;
- if ( hc > 255 ) /* slot index in set_tile is only 1 byte */
- { hc = 255;
- if ( cldev->tile_max_count > 200 )
- cldev->tile_max_count = 200;
- }
- cldev->tile_hash_mask = hc;
- hc++; /* make actual size */
- if_debug5('l', "[l]tile.size=%dx%d, slot_size=%d, max_count=%d, hc=%d\n",
- cldev->tile.size.x, cldev->tile.size.y,
- cldev->tile_slot_size, cldev->tile_max_count, hc);
- cldev->tile_hash_table =
- (tile_hash *)(cldev->tile_data + cldev->tile_data_size) - hc;
- cldev->tile_count = 0;
- memset(cldev->tile_data, 0, cldev->tile_data_size);
- memset(cldev->tile_hash_table, -1, hc * sizeof(tile_hash));
- for ( i = 0, pcls = cldev->states; i < cldev->nbands; i++, pcls++ )
- pcls->tile = &no_tile;
- count_add1(cmd_tile_reset);
- }
- /* Clean up after rendering a page. */
- private int
- clist_output_page(gx_device *dev, int num_copies, int flush)
- { if ( flush )
- { rewind(cdev->cfile);
- rewind(cdev->bfile);
- cdev->bfile_end_pos = 0;
- }
- else
- { fseek(cdev->cfile, 0L, SEEK_END);
- fseek(cdev->bfile, 0L, SEEK_END);
- }
- return clist_open(dev); /* reinitialize */
- }
- /* Forward the non-displaying operations to the target device. */
- private void
- clist_get_initial_matrix(gx_device *dev, gs_matrix *pmat)
- { (*cdev->target->procs->get_initial_matrix)(dev, pmat);
- }
- private gx_color_index
- clist_map_rgb_color(gx_device *dev, gx_color_value red, gx_color_value green,
- gx_color_value blue)
- { return (*cdev->target->procs->map_rgb_color)(dev, red, green, blue);
- }
- private int
- clist_map_color_rgb(gx_device *dev, gx_color_index color,
- gx_color_value rgb[3])
- { return (*cdev->target->procs->map_color_rgb)(dev, color, rgb);
- }
- private int
- clist_get_props(gx_device *dev, gs_prop_item *plist)
- { gx_device *tdev = cdev->target;
- return (*tdev->procs->get_props)(tdev, plist);
- }
- private int
- clist_put_props(gx_device *dev, gs_prop_item *plist, int count)
- { gx_device *tdev = cdev->target;
- return (*tdev->procs->put_props)(tdev, plist, count);
- }
- private gx_color_index
- clist_map_cmyk_color(gx_device *dev, gx_color_value cyan,
- gx_color_value magenta, gx_color_value yellow, gx_color_value black)
- { return (*cdev->target->procs->map_cmyk_color)(dev, cyan, magenta, yellow, black);
- }
- private gx_xfont_procs *
- clist_get_xfont_procs(gx_device *dev)
- { gx_device *tdev = cdev->target;
- return (*tdev->procs->get_xfont_procs)(tdev);
- }
- private gx_device *
- clist_get_xfont_device(gx_device *dev)
- { gx_device *tdev = cdev->target;
- return (*tdev->procs->get_xfont_device)(tdev);
- }
- /* Print statistics. */
- #ifdef DEBUG
- void
- cmd_print_stats(void)
- { int ci, cj;
- dprintf3("[l]counts: tile = %ld, copy = %ld, delta = %ld\n",
- cmd_tile_count, cmd_copy_count, cmd_delta_tile_count);
- dprintf3(" reset = %ld, found = %ld, added = %ld\n",
- cmd_tile_reset, cmd_tile_found, cmd_tile_added);
- for ( ci = 0; ci < 0x100; ci += 0x10 )
- { dprintf1("[l] %s =", cmd_op_names[ci >> 4]);
- for ( cj = ci; cj < ci + 0x10; cj++ )
- dprintf1(" %ld", cmd_op_counts[cj]);
- dputs("\n");
- }
- }
- #endif
- /* ------ Writing ------ */
- /* Utilities */
- #define cmd_set_rect(rect)\
- ((rect).x = x, (rect).y = y,\
- (rect).width = width, (rect).height = height)
- /* Write out the buffered commands, and reset the buffer. */
- private int
- cmd_write_buffer(gx_device_clist *cldev)
- { FILE *cfile = cldev->cfile;
- FILE *bfile = cldev->bfile;
- int nbands = cldev->nbands;
- gx_clist_state *pcls;
- int band;
- for ( band = 0, pcls = cldev->states; band < nbands; band++, pcls++ )
- { const cmd_prefix *cp = pcls->head;
- if ( cp != 0 )
- { cmd_block cb;
- cb.band = band;
- cb.pos = ftell(cfile);
- if_debug2('l', "[l]writing for band %d at %ld\n",
- band, cb.pos);
- clist_write(bfile, (const byte *)&cb, sizeof(cb));
- pcls->tail->next = 0; /* terminate the list */
- for ( ; cp != 0; cp = cp->next )
- clist_write(cfile, (const byte *)(cp + 1), cp->size);
- pcls->head = pcls->tail = 0;
- fputc(cmd_opv_end_run, cfile);
- }
- }
- cldev->cnext = cldev->cbuf;
- cldev->ccls = 0;
- return_check_interrupt(0);
- }
- /* Export under a different name for gxclread.c */
- int
- clist_flush_buffer(gx_device_clist *cldev)
- { return cmd_write_buffer(cldev);
- }
- /* Add a command to the appropriate band list, */
- /* and allocate space for its data. */
- /* Return the pointer to the data area. */
- private byte *
- cmd_put_op(gx_device_clist *cldev, gx_clist_state *pcls, uint size)
- { byte *dp = cldev->cnext;
- if_debug3('L', "[L]band %d: size=%u, left=%u",
- (int)(pcls - cldev->states),
- size, (uint)(cldev->cend - dp));
- if ( size + (sizeof(cmd_prefix) + 4) > cldev->cend - dp )
- { cmd_write_buffer(cldev);
- return cmd_put_op(cldev, pcls, size);
- }
- if ( cldev->ccls == pcls )
- { /* We're adding another command for the same band. */
- /* Tack it onto the end of the previous one. */
- pcls->tail->size += size;
- }
- else
- { cmd_prefix *cp = (cmd_prefix *)(dp + (((byte *)0 - dp) & 3));
- dp = (byte *)(cp + 1);
- if ( pcls->tail != 0 ) pcls->tail->next = cp;
- else pcls->head = cp;
- pcls->tail = cp;
- cldev->ccls = pcls;
- cp->size = size;
- }
- cldev->cnext = dp + size;
- return dp;
- }
- /* Write a variable-size positive integer. */
- /* (This works for negative integers also; they are written as though */
- /* they were unsigned.) */
- #define w1byte(w) (!((w) & ~0x7f))
- #define w2byte(w) (!((w) & ~0x3fff))
- #define cmd_sizew(w)\
- (w1byte(w) ? 1 : w2byte(w) ? 2 : cmd_w_size((uint)(w)))
- #define cmd_sizexy(xy)\
- (w1byte((xy).x | (xy).y) ? 2 :\
- cmd_w_size((uint)(xy).x) + cmd_w_size((uint)(xy).y))
- private int near
- cmd_w_size(register uint w)
- { register int size = 1;
- while ( w > 0x7f ) w >>= 7, size++;
- return size;
- }
- #define cmd_putw(w,dp)\
- (w1byte(w) ? (*dp = w, ++dp) :\
- w2byte(w) ? (*dp = (w) | 0x80, dp[1] = (w) >> 7, dp += 2) :\
- (dp = cmd_w_put((uint)(w), dp)))
- #define cmd_putxy(xy,dp)\
- (w1byte((xy).x | (xy).y) ? (dp[0] = (xy).x, dp[1] = (xy).y, dp += 2) :\
- (dp = cmd_w_put((uint)(xy).y, cmd_w_put((uint)(xy).x, dp))))
- private byte *near
- cmd_w_put(register uint w, register byte *dp)
- { while ( w > 0x7f ) *dp++ = w | 0x80, w >>= 7;
- *dp = w;
- return dp + 1;
- }
- /* Write a rectangle. */
- private int
- cmd_size_rect(register const gx_cmd_rect *prect)
- { return cmd_sizew(prect->x) + cmd_sizew(prect->y) +
- cmd_sizew(prect->width) + cmd_sizew(prect->height);
- }
- private byte *
- cmd_put_rect(register const gx_cmd_rect *prect, register byte *dp)
- { cmd_putw(prect->x, dp);
- cmd_putw(prect->y, dp);
- cmd_putw(prect->width, dp);
- cmd_putw(prect->height, dp);
- return dp;
- }
- /* Write a short bitmap. 1 <= bwidth <= 3. */
- private void
- cmd_put_short_bits(register byte *dp, register const byte *data,
- int raster, register int bwidth, register int height)
- { while ( --height >= 0 )
- { switch ( bwidth )
- {
- case 3: dp[2] = data[2];
- case 2: dp[1] = data[1];
- case 1: dp[0] = data[0];
- }
- dp += bwidth, data += raster;
- }
- }
- private int
- cmd_write_rect_cmd(gx_device *dev, gx_clist_state *pcls,
- int op, int x, int y, int width, int height)
- { int dx = x - pcls->rect.x;
- int dy = y - pcls->rect.y;
- int dwidth = width - pcls->rect.width;
- int dheight = height - pcls->rect.height;
- #define check_ranges_1()\
- ((unsigned)(dx - rmin) <= (rmax - rmin) &&\
- (unsigned)(dy - rmin) <= (rmax - rmin) &&\
- (unsigned)(dwidth - rmin) <= (rmax - rmin))
- #define check_ranges()\
- (check_ranges_1() &&\
- (unsigned)(dheight - rmin) <= (rmax - rmin))
- #define rmin cmd_min_tiny
- #define rmax cmd_max_tiny
- cmd_set_rect(pcls->rect);
- if ( dheight == 0 && check_ranges_1() )
- { byte *dp = cmd_put_op(cdev, pcls, 2);
- count_op(*dp = op + 0x20 + dwidth - rmin);
- dp[1] = (dx << 4) + dy - (rmin * 0x11);
- }
- #undef rmin
- #undef rmax
- #define rmin cmd_min_short
- #define rmax cmd_max_short
- else if ( check_ranges() )
- { int dh = dheight - cmd_min_tiny;
- byte *dp;
- if ( (unsigned)dh <= cmd_max_tiny - cmd_min_tiny && dh != 0 &&
- dy == 0
- )
- { op += dh;
- dp = cmd_put_op(cdev, pcls, 3);
- }
- else
- { dp = cmd_put_op(cdev, pcls, 5);
- dp[3] = dy - rmin;
- dp[4] = dheight - rmin;
- }
- count_op(*dp = op + 0x10);
- dp[1] = dx - rmin;
- dp[2] = dwidth - rmin;
- }
- else
- { byte *dp = cmd_put_op(cdev, pcls, 1 + cmd_size_rect(&pcls->rect));
- count_op(*dp = op);
- dp = cmd_put_rect(&pcls->rect, dp + 1);
- }
- return 0;
- }
- private void
- cmd_put_color(gx_device *dev, gx_clist_state *pcls,
- int op, gx_color_index color)
- { if ( (long)color >= -1 && (long)color <= 13 )
- count_op(*cmd_put_op(cdev, pcls, 1) = op + (int)color + 2);
- else
- { byte *dp = cmd_put_op(cdev, pcls, 1 + sizeof(color));
- count_op(*dp = op);
- memcpy(dp + 1, &color, sizeof(color));
- }
- }
- private void
- cmd_set_colors(gx_device *dev, gx_clist_state *pcls,
- gx_color_index color0, gx_color_index color1)
- { if ( color0 != pcls->color0 )
- { cmd_put_color(dev, pcls, cmd_op_set_color0, color0);
- pcls->color0 = color0;
- }
- if ( color1 != pcls->color1 )
- { cmd_put_color(dev, pcls, cmd_op_set_color1, color1);
- pcls->color1 = color1;
- }
- }
- /* Driver interface */
- /* Macros for dividing up a single call into bands */
- #define BEGIN_RECT\
- { int yend = y + height;\
- int band_height = cdev->band_height;\
- do\
- { int band = y / band_height;\
- gx_clist_state *pcls = cdev->states + band;\
- height = band_height - y % band_height;\
- if ( yend - y < height ) height = yend - y;\
- {
- #define END_RECT\
- }\
- y += height;\
- }\
- while ( y < yend );\
- }
- private int
- clist_fill_rectangle(gx_device *dev, int x, int y, int width, int height,
- gx_color_index color)
- { fit_fill(dev, x, y, width, height);
- if ( color != pcls->color1 )
- cmd_set_colors(dev, pcls, pcls->color0, color);
- cmd_write_rect_cmd(dev, pcls, cmd_op_fill_rect, x, y, width, height);
- return 0;
- }
- /* Compare unequal tiles. Return -1 if unrelated, */
- /* or 2<=N<=50 for the size of the delta encoding. */
- private int
- tile_diff(const byte *old_data, const byte *new_data, uint tsize,
- byte _ss *delta)
- { register const ushort *old2, *new2;
- register ushort diff;
- int count;
- register int i;
- byte _ss *pd;
- if ( tsize > 128 ) return -1;
- old2 = (const ushort *)old_data;
- new2 = (const ushort *)new_data;
- count = 0;
- pd = delta + 2; /* skip slot index */
- for ( i = 0; i < tsize; i += 2, old2++, new2++ )
- if ( (diff = *new2 ^ *old2) != 0 )
- #if arch_is_big_endian
- # define i_hi 0
- # define b_0(w) ((w) >> 8)
- # define b_1(w) ((byte)(w))
- #else
- # define i_hi 1
- # define b_0(w) ((byte)(w))
- # define b_1(w) ((w) >> 8)
- #endif
- { if ( count == 16 ) return -1;
- if ( diff & 0xff00 )
- { if ( diff & 0xff )
- *pd++ = 0x80 + i,
- *pd++ = b_0(diff),
- *pd++ = b_1(diff);
- else
- *pd++ = i + i_hi, *pd++ = diff >> 8;
- }
- else /* know diff != 0 */
- *pd++ = i + (1 - i_hi), *pd++ = (byte)diff;
- count++;
- }
- #undef b_0
- #undef b_1
- #undef i_hi
- if ( count == 0 )
- { /* Tiles are identical. This is highly unusual, */
- /* but not impossible. */
- pd[0] = pd[1] = 0;
- pd += 2;
- count = 1;
- }
- delta[0] = (byte)cmd_op_delta_tile_bits + count - 1;
- return pd - delta;
- }
- /* Handle changing tiles for clist_tile_rectangle. */
- /* We put this in a separate routine, even though it is called only once, */
- /* to avoid cluttering up the main-line case of tile_rectangle. */
- private int
- clist_change_tile(gx_device_clist *cldev, gx_clist_state *pcls,
- const gx_bitmap *tile)
- { uint tile_size = tile->raster * tile->size.y;
- tile_slot *old_tile, *new_tile;
- int slot_index;
- /* Look up the tile in the cache. */
- top: { gx_bitmap_id id = tile->id;
- uint probe = (uint)(id >> 16) + (uint)(id);
- old_tile = pcls->tile;
- for ( ; ; probe += 25 /* semi-random odd # */ )
- { tile_hash *hptr = cldev->tile_hash_table +
- (probe & cldev->tile_hash_mask);
- if ( (slot_index = hptr->slot_index) < 0 ) /* empty entry */
- { /* Must change tiles. Check whether the */
- /* tile size has changed. */
- if ( tile->size.x != cldev->tile.size.x ||
- tile->size.y != cldev->tile.size.y
- )
- { if ( tile->raster !=
- ((tile->size.x + 31) >> 5) << 2 ||
- tile_size > cldev->tile_max_size
- )
- return -1;
- cldev->tile = *tile; /* reset size, raster */
- clist_init_tiles(cldev);
- goto top;
- }
- if ( cldev->tile_count == cldev->tile_max_count )
- { /* Punt. */
- clist_init_tiles(cldev);
- goto top;
- }
- hptr->slot_index = slot_index =
- cldev->tile_count++;
- new_tile = tile_slot_ptr(cldev, slot_index);
- new_tile->id = id;
- memcpy(ts_bits(cldev, new_tile), tile->data, tile_size);
- count_add1(cmd_tile_added);
- if_debug3('L', "[L]adding tile %d, hash=%d, id=%lx\n",
- slot_index,
- (int)(hptr - cldev->tile_hash_table),
- id);
- break;
- }
- new_tile = tile_slot_ptr(cldev, slot_index);
- if ( new_tile->id == id )
- { count_add1(cmd_tile_found);
- if_debug1('L', "[L]found tile %d\n",
- slot_index);
- break;
- }
- }
- }
- /* Check whether this band knows about this tile yet. */
- { int band_index = pcls - cldev->states;
- byte pmask = 1 << (band_index & 7);
- byte *ppresent = ts_mask(new_tile) + (band_index >> 3);
- if ( *ppresent & pmask )
- { /* Tile is known, just put out the index. */
- byte *dp = cmd_put_op(cldev, pcls, 2);
- count_op(*dp = cmd_op_set_tile_index);
- dp[1] = slot_index;
- }
- else
- { /* Tile is not known, put out the bits. Use a */
- /* delta encoding or a short encoding if possible. */
- byte *new_data = ts_bits(cldev, new_tile);
- byte *dp;
- byte delta[2+16*3];
- int diff;
- *ppresent |= pmask;
- if ( old_tile != &no_tile &&
- (diff = tile_diff(ts_bits(cldev, old_tile), new_data, tile_size, delta)) >= 0
- )
- { /* Use delta representation */
- dp = cmd_put_op(cldev, pcls, diff);
- count_op(delta[0]);
- delta[1] = slot_index;
- memcpy(dp, delta, diff);
- count_add(cmd_delta_tile_count, diff - 2);
- }
- else
- { if ( old_tile == &no_tile )
- { byte *dp = cmd_put_op(cldev, pcls,
- 1 + cmd_sizexy(cldev->tile.size));
- count_op(*dp++ = (byte)cmd_opv_set_tile_size);
- cmd_putxy(cldev->tile.size, dp);
- }
- if ( tile->size.x <= 16 )
- { dp = cmd_put_op(cldev, pcls, 2 + (tile_size >> 1));
- cmd_put_short_bits(dp + 2, new_data, tile->raster, 2, tile->size.y);
- count_add(cmd_tile_count, tile_size >> 1);
- }
- else
- { dp = cmd_put_op(cldev, pcls, 2 + tile_size);
- memcpy(dp + 2, new_data, tile_size);
- count_add(cmd_tile_count, tile_size);
- }
- count_op(*dp = (byte)cmd_op_set_tile_bits);
- dp[1] = slot_index;
- }
- }
- }
- pcls->tile = new_tile;
- return 0;
- }
- private int
- clist_tile_rectangle(gx_device *dev, const gx_bitmap *tile, int x, int y,
- int width, int height, gx_color_index color0, gx_color_index color1,
- int px, int py)
- { fit_fill(dev, x, y, width, height);
- if ( tile->id != pcls->tile->id )
- { if ( clist_change_tile(cdev, pcls, tile) < 0 )
- return gx_default_tile_rectangle(dev, tile, x, y, width, height, color0, color1, px, py);
- }
- if ( color0 != pcls->color0 || color1 != pcls->color1 )
- cmd_set_colors(dev, pcls, color0, color1);
- if ( px != pcls->tile_phase.x || py != pcls->tile_phase.y )
- { byte *dp = cmd_put_op(cdev, pcls, 1 + cmd_sizexy(pcls->tile_phase));
- count_op(*dp++ = (byte)cmd_opv_set_tile_phase);
- pcls->tile_phase.x = px;
- pcls->tile_phase.y = py;
- cmd_putxy(pcls->tile_phase, dp);
- }
- cmd_write_rect_cmd(dev, pcls, cmd_op_tile_rect, x, y, width, height);
- return 0;
- }
- private int
- clist_copy_mono(gx_device *dev,
- const byte *data, int data_x, int raster, gx_bitmap_id id,
- int x, int y, int width, int height,
- gx_color_index color0, gx_color_index color1)
- { int y0;
- fit_copy(dev, data, data_x, raster, id, x, y, width, height);
- y0 = y;
- gx_cmd_rect rect;
- uint dsize;
- int rsize;
- int bwidth;
- const byte *row = data + (y - y0) * raster;
- byte *dp;
- if ( color0 != pcls->color0 || color1 != pcls->color1 )
- cmd_set_colors(dev, pcls, color0, color1);
- cmd_set_rect(rect);
- rsize = cmd_size_rect(&rect);
- if ( width >= 2 && (bwidth = (width + (data_x & 7) + 7) >> 3) <= 3 &&
- height <= 255 &&
- height <= (cbuf_size - cmd_largest_size) / align_bitmap_mod
- )
- { dsize = height * bwidth;
- dp = cmd_put_op(cdev, pcls, 1 + rsize + dsize);
- count_op(*dp++ = (byte)cmd_op_copy_mono + (data_x & 7) + 1);
- dp = cmd_put_rect(&rect, dp);
- row += data_x >> 3;
- cmd_put_short_bits(dp, row, raster, bwidth, height);
- pcls->rect = rect;
- count_add(cmd_copy_count, dsize);
- }
- else
- { dsize = height * raster;
- if ( dsize > cbuf_size )
- { /* We have to split it into pieces. */
- if ( height > 1 )
- { int h2 = height >> 1;
- clist_copy_mono(dev, row, data_x, raster,
- gx_no_bitmap_id, x, y, width, h2,
- color0, color1);
- clist_copy_mono(dev, row + h2 * raster,
- data_x, raster, gx_no_bitmap_id,
- x, y + h2, width, height - h2,
- color0, color1);
- }
- else
- /* Split a single (very long) row. */
- { int w2 = width >> 1;
- clist_copy_mono(dev, row, data_x, raster,
- gx_no_bitmap_id, x, y, w2, 1,
- color0, color1);
- clist_copy_mono(dev, row, data_x + w2,
- raster, gx_no_bitmap_id, x + w2, y,
- width - w2, 1, color0, color1);
- }
- }
- else
- { dp = cmd_put_op(cdev, pcls, 1 + rsize + cmd_sizew(data_x) + cmd_sizew(raster) + dsize);
- count_op(*dp++ = (byte)cmd_op_copy_mono);
- dp = cmd_put_rect(&rect, dp);
- cmd_putw(data_x, dp);
- cmd_putw(raster, dp);
- memcpy(dp, row, dsize);
- pcls->rect = rect;
- count_add(cmd_copy_count, dsize);
- }
- }
- return 0;
- }
- private int
- clist_copy_color(gx_device *dev,
- const byte *data, int data_x, int raster, gx_bitmap_id id,
- int x, int y, int width, int height)
- { int y0;
- fit_copy(dev, data, data_x, raster, id, x, y, width, height);
- y0 = y;
- gx_cmd_rect rect;
- uint dsize = height * raster;
- const byte *row = data + (y - y0) * raster;
- byte *dp;
- if ( dsize > cbuf_size )
- { /* We have to split it into pieces. */
- if ( height > 1 )
- { int h2 = height >> 1;
- clist_copy_color(dev, row, data_x, raster,
- gx_no_bitmap_id, x, y, width, h2);
- clist_copy_color(dev, row + h2 * raster, data_x,
- raster, gx_no_bitmap_id, x, y + h2, width, height - h2);
- }
- else
- { /* Split a single (very long) row. */
- int w2 = width >> 1;
- clist_copy_color(dev, row, data_x, raster,
- gx_no_bitmap_id, x, y, w2, 1);
- clist_copy_color(dev, row, data_x + w2,
- raster, gx_no_bitmap_id, x + w2, y,
- width - w2, 1);
- }
- }
- else
- { cmd_set_rect(rect);
- dp = cmd_put_op(cdev, pcls, 1 + cmd_size_rect(&rect) + cmd_sizew(data_x) + cmd_sizew(raster) + dsize);
- count_op(*dp++ = (byte)cmd_op_copy_color);
- dp = cmd_put_rect(&rect, dp);
- pcls->rect = rect;
- cmd_putw(data_x, dp);
- cmd_putw(raster, dp);
- memcpy(dp, row, dsize);
- count_add(cmd_copy_count, dsize);
- }
- return 0;
- }